San Pio Hospital


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To be an example of true fidelity to the Church and its teachings in protecting and caring for all people, especially those who need our help the most.


"I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of the brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me" /Mt 25,40/
  • Our first responsibility is to serve especially the sick, poor, needy, the elderly and the abandoned, without difference of social status, religion, origin or tribe.
  • Our second responsibility is to our employees, the men, and women who care for our patients.


  • Compassion care with listening, empathy and Love.
  • We accompany and comfort those in need of healing.
  • We respect the dignity of all, inspired trust through honesty and stewardship.
  • Excellence: we serve with dedication and professionalism.
  • Collaboration: we work together to ensure the best possible care, safety, and well-being of our patients and employees.


  • To provide health care and services to those in need.
  • To minimize human suffering.


To reduce the burden of disease and poverty.


San Pio Hospital is a faith-based organization (FBO), run on charity and donations. Our Institution is a non-profitable organization established for the sole purpose of providing health services for the poor, educating, informing, and uplifting the status of people in our community. Founded in 2014 by St. Elizabeth Sisters of Hungary under the guidance of Rt. Rev. Bishop Ludovick J. Minde, ALCP/OSS, we aim to bring change for the development and betterment of the Maganzo - Bukombe society.

The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth of Hungary has worked diligently to build up resources for our Institution. However, we remain a non-profit organization that relies on donations for salaries and expenses. Many staff members are volunteers who willingly work towards social benefit.

All donations received are directed toward developing our hospital—building renovations, acquiring medical equipment, providing free schooling, accommodations, food for those in need, and healthcare for deprived individuals in society.

The Institute has a 60-bed capacity, attending to an average of 2,000 outpatients and 750 inpatients per month. Our dedicated team consists of 91 employees across both permanent and part-time positions.